Monday – Take protein-containing snacks to work to improve your concentration and energy levels while reducing those afternoon sugar cravings. Great snacks include boiled eggs, miso soup, nuts, hummus and veggie sticks.
Tuesday – Drink licorice tea during the day instead of coffee. Licorice tea is a fantastic tonic for your adrenal glands which support energy levels and reduce fatigue.
Wednesday – Try a grain free day where you focus on only eating good quality proteins and fresh veggies – your body will love you for it!
Thursday – Take the plunge and start your day with a nourishing green smoothie. Make extra and take to work in a glass jar to drink as your afternoon snack. I promise you, they taste so much better than they look!
Friday – Drink one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in water before meals to support your liver and improve digestion. Good digestive health is essential to ensure your body can absorb all the vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health.
Saturday – Audit your pantry with a friend. Take everything out and place in on the kitchen table. Read all the ingredient lists and decide if your product is made of ‘real food’ or is highly processed, containing ingredients you have never heard of. If you are not sure, write down or take a photo of your products and ask me to help at your next appointment.
Sunday – Plan your meals for the upcoming week and prepare by shopping at your local farmers market.