Nourished Life is one of my favourite sites for a HUGE range of truly natural body products. From organic make up to fake tan, sunscreens, hair products, water filters and more – you can be sure that everything is guaranteed toxin-free and meticulously researched, tried and tested by the team from Nourished Life – its my go-to site for everything natural – I have bought the kids some toxin-free kids nail polish (and got rid of all the cheap toxic stuff they has been using for years!)
Luk Beautifood is a gorgeous ‘beauty kitchen’ where natural, toxin free make up is made from food! I recently caught up with Cindy and asked her why LUK is so amazing!
Luk has a fabulous blog called ‘The Beauty Kitchen” where she shares inspiration and information on her products, how to guides and more.. I am in love with the Chai Shimmer Lip Nourish which once you have tries, you will never go back to synthetic, sticky lip glosses again!
I recently reviewed the Mukti products on my blog and I have to say, I have been using these products daily all year and been so happy with the way my skin looks and feels.. Mukti is an Australian company that is ethical and truly organic..
I have been using the Balancing Foaming Cleanser; Neroli Blossom Balancing Mist Toner and the Balancing Moisturiser. I also got some samples included with my purchase – the Marigold Hydrating Crème was a blessing when the season changed and my skin became dry from so many hot showers and heating.
The best part was that my 13 year old daughter has been using the Balancing Foaming Cleanser and has noticed a big difference in the appearance of her skin – less breakouts and she loves the gentle scent. Knowing it contains no nasty ingredients makes me feel really good about sharing it with her.
I have been lucky enough to be given a range of different high-end blenders to work with developing smoothie ranges for stores including Bondi Rescue HQ, SuperMix Juicery and The Bondi Juice Co. Out of all the amazing blenders, I have to say that the Froothie Optimum 9200A has been my all time favourite! When I found out it was half the price of the blender I had been using previously I was shocked…
The Optimum is so easy to use and clean and blends everything into the perfect consistency so that every smoothie tastes like it has been professionally made and it makes it SO much easier to sneak veggies into the kids smoothies.
My girls love making their own healthy smoothies and they both prefer to use the Optimum 9200A even when their is a choice of other blenders..
Check out their website for this awesome blender and others in their range including cold-pressed juicers and free recipes and how-to videos…
Many people ask me which protein powder I recommend and the answer is always Bare Blends. Their whey protein powders are tasty (not powdery!) and only contain only a handful of – all natural – ingredients. I have never found them to cause bloating or any digestive upset and are well tolerated by all my clients. Protein is essential and is important to have with every meal and most snacks for energy, mood and hormonal health to name a few. If you are exercising, it is important to consume protein within 30-60 minutes post- exercise.
Bare Blends also deliver an awesome range of good quality super food powders including cacao, greens matcha green tea, chia seed and a delicious berry blend.
As a company they are ethical, organic and environmentally conscious..
My favourite is the Vanilla Whey Protein powder….